July 10, 2011

Hair Styles That Can Help Cover Up Hair Loss

When it comes to feeling better about losing your hair, sometimes all it may take is a simple hairstyle to drastically improve your appearance. In addition, a well-cut style can go a long way in terms of rebuilding your self confidence. Your goal should get the right style that you are after, while at the same time having the perfect cut that accentuates the shape of your head.

When it comes to hair style for a person who is going bald, there are a few techniques that can be utilized. Such examples may be camouflaging certain parts of the scalp with existing hair or cutting other areas of the hair shorter which can remove the appearance of thinning.

Stay Away From Those Cheesy Comb Overs!

Have you ever seen a person with a “comb over”? It never really looks good, does it? You may attempt to use this hair styling technique, but it is best to try a shorter haircut or attempt to camouflage your hair loss only if the area of hair that is balding is small. If your bald spot is large and growing, then a comb-over will only attract more attention to the fact that you are losing your hair.

Permanent Waves

This is another styling technique that are called “perms”. A permanent wave basically makes your existing hair super curly. This is done by wrapping the hair that you already have around tiny little rods which are then treated with chemicals. When finished, the hair will be loosely curled or very tightly managed, depending on the perm style you chose.

Once the chemical treatment is rinsed out, a person's hair that has undergone a permanent wave ลิงก์will maintain the shape of these curls. This hairstyle gives the illusion of thicker and more dense hair growth and is great for people who are experiencing small patches of baldness throughout their scalp. The density of the permanent wave will help hide the thinning areas underneath the curly rods of hair that hang on top.

Although the permanent wave style sounds like a very reasonable solution, and it is, there is a downside. Eventually, the hair that is still active will grow straight from the roots and using chemical treatments must be done on a regular basis to keep up the illusion of density with the curls. Because of these chemicals, the hair that remains can be weakened and the person's scalp can suffer from mild irritation.

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