September 13, 2008

Foods For Strengthening Hair

Today's chemical processes, heat treatments and styling products can cause considerable damage to our hair. The only way to counteract this damage is to start with strong healthy hair. Hair is proteins that our body makes from foods we take in.

In order to have strong healthy hair we must eat the right foods. Most of the foods that promote healthy hair are probably not a surprise to you, but several may be.

Drink Water: Drinking eight glasses of water a day will do more than give you great skin and healthy organs. The water will help flush toxins out of your body and keep them out of your hair. Your body will be able to produce strong hair strands when you are properly hydrated. Water really does benefit you in ways you could never imagine.

Spice up your Food: Why not add flavor and kick to your food and strengthen your hair at the same time. Certain spices such as cumin, turmeric, and black pepper are all considered great spices for your hair. Sauté the spices with clarified butter or olive oil and add to vegetables to make a hair happy side dish. If you use green leafy vegetables in this dish you will get a double dose of strong hair foods.

Protein: Lean protein is critical to helping your body create strong hair. Most people do not eat enough protein on a daily basis, studies have shown that if we eat more protein our hair will be stronger.

Lean meat like fish, chicken, eggs, and soy products are good sources of protein for hair. To promote healthy strong hair, doctors suggest we eat at least one serving of lean protein every day. Foods to Avoid In order for your hair to be healthy and strong you must eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals. Avoid junk food like candy, cake, and cookies. The nutrients you take into your body will be forming new hair under the scalp. Sugar and junk food do not provide the required building blocks for healthy hair.

In the Shower: The benefits of food is not only if you eat it, you can use many products in your daily beauty routine and strengthen your hair at the same time. Avocado is one of those great foods that can help your hair inside and out. Eat half an avocado to help build strong hair. Take the other half of avocado and smash it into your hair. Leave the avocado in your hair for 20 minutes, then wash out. The mask will condition your hair and build strong hair from the outside.

Another great tip for showering is to buy a shower filter. These filters block unwanted particles, chemicals, and especially chlorine. Chlorine is known to make your hair fallout. So get a filter not only is it great for your hair, your skin will thank you too!

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Agonizing Over Hair Loss

Agonizing over their hair loss, they try to hide it with make-up, creative hairstyles, or sometimes even hair extensions, which can actually further damage already stressed-out hair.

In fact, it is a very common and natural part of our bodily cycles, taking place daily to ensure the removal of older hairs and allow for the growth of newer, fresh hairs in our scalps. Under normal conditions, scalp hairs live for about three years (the anagen, or growing, phase); they then enter the telogen, or resting, phase. Following the telogen phase, the growth phase begins again -- new hairs grow and push out the old hair shafts.

It is normal to lose about 100 hairs every day, more of them on days when shampooing loosens the hairs that are ready to fall out. Normal shampooing can continue, because this only loosens hairs that were going to come out anyway. However, traumatic experience,such as a major operation, or old age, or the presence of certain medical conditions can hinder the rate of growth and cause excess shedding of older hairs, resulting in baldness and thinning hair.

Hair Growth Rhythm

There are several circumstances that produce a "shock to the system" that alters the hair growth rhythm. When hair loss is a side effect of a medication, hair growth usually returns to normal once the drug is stopped. The trigger for this type of baldness (called androgenetic alopecia) is DHT, a powerful sex hormone, body, and facial hair growth promoter that can adversely affect the hair on the head as well as the prostate. Fifty milligrams of silica a day is thought to encourage hair growth in young men with alopecia. Copper and zinc have been shown to inhibit growth of the enzyme that causes DHT production.


Millions are interested in new treatments to prevent hair loss and regrow hair. Several treatments have been investigated as possible ways to prevent hair loss, but none has been absolutely effective, including: Scalp hypothermia (cryotherapy). Treatment may include:certain medications to promote hair growth (such as minoxidil and finasteride), corticosteroid injections (when treating alopecia areata), treating any underlying condition or disease hair transplants scalp reduction skin lifts and grafts. As a general rule, it is easier to maintain remaining hair than it is to regrow; however, the treatments mentioned will help some of the users suffering from Androgenetic alopecia, and there are new technologies in cosmetic transplant surgery and hair replacement systems that can be completely undetectable.


If your doctor recommends a product like minoxidil that can speed up hair growth also might be helpful. In men, minoxidil may work better in areas with higher concentrations of miniaturized hairs, and its efficacy may be increased by the synergistic use of once-daily tretinoin (Retin-A) applied at separate times during the day. For hair loss due to heredity, age, hormones or certain medical conditions, the topical medication minoxidil (Rogaine) can help regrow hair or prevent more hair loss.

Currently, if you want to regrow hair, topical minoxidil is the only approved way to go. To be effective, minoxidil must be used twice a day. That doesn't mean minoxidil is by any means the panacea that men have been searching for since at least 1150 B. While Minoxidil is a vasodilator and is speculated to work, in part, by increasing blood flow to hair follicles, there is no evidence that standing on one's head can alleviate baldness.

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Deep Hair Conditioner Information

A conditioner easy means an increase or procedure which inquires to develop the available or superiority of a substance. Once the hair is cleansed while shampooing, then the hair require to be conditioned. A hair conditioner serves various purpose, it nourishes the hair and makes it seem better. It provide the much required ‘moisture’ to even the outer layer of the hair. While utilized a particular hair conditioner, the ground rule is to select the one in accordance with your hair type, unlike a shampoo, which is determined by the scalp type. Choose a rich, moisturizing conditioner if your hair is dry & curly in nature.

If the hair seems lame and limp & pretty, select a volumizing conditioner. Pick on a conditioner that is designed for normal hair. Deep hair conditioners fight against the obvious damage of chemical treatments, coloration of hair, environmental pollution and ill-effects resulted by heat styling apparatus. When a deep hair conditioner is utilized commonly, it assists in regaining the lost moisture and locks this moistness around even strand. This assist in making the hair looks shinier & suppler. Application of a deep hair conditioner is a must for chemically treated hair. Application of a deep hair conditioner is very simple.

There are different planes of conditioning which are suit for different types of hair. Find the one that suits you the best, it’s advised that you have a word about this option with your hair stylist. After shampooing, dry your hair with a towel to imbibe all the present moisture. Apply the conditioner in little amounts. The application should begin at the forehead & end with the hair at the back of the head. One can apply small quantity more at the end of the hair. Massage for several time & rinse thoroughly. Deep hair conditioners is invariable better to switch between various brands of conditioner daily.

Deep Hair Conditioner is useful in two methods firstly, it assists the user to conclude an optimum product for their hair. Secondly, the hair can become immune to the formulations of a definitic brand resulting in accumulation of residue. To get a fast deep-conditioning while taking a bath, soft remove any excess water from your hair. Now distribute the conditioner level throughout the hair. After shampooing, supplant the normal conditioner with hair cholesterol. Apply generously, making certain to avoid the roots. Leave for five minutes.

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Hair Loss In Women-a Traumatic Experience

Hair loss has affected millions of men and women. Though excessive hair loss results in baldness, which further lowers the self esteem, confidence as well as dignity of an individual, this experience may be traumatic for a woman. To look appealing and beautiful is every woman’s desire & this desire could be marred due to excessive hair loss. Hair loss in women not only mars her personality but at the same time draws a lot of attention thereby causing a lot of humiliation. It is quite normal if the hair loss is around fifty to hundred strands a day but beyond this women should be extra cautious.

Excessive hair loss in women may be attributed to many underlying health related issues .This should be taken care of and a doctor should be immediately referred to. Patterned hair loss in females is different in that the hair loss is not localized, instead thinning of hair occurs throughout the scalp thereby making the scalp visible whereas in men hair loss is usually localized at the top of the head. Hair loss in women could be attributed to many reasons. Women usually resort to improper hair treatment as well as styling such as chemical treatment, hair coloring, perming and wearing hair styles like pigtails, cornrow etc that pull the hair tightly resulting in hair loss. Moreover women are more susceptible to hormonal imbalance making them more prone to hair loss.

Post pregnancy or after a long term illness or surgery, females experience imbalance in the estrogen level. Consumption of antidepressant drugs or birth control pills which contain anticoagulant (i.e. blood thinners) may also lead to hair loss in women. Over or under secretion of thyroxine from thyroid gland is yet another cause for hair loss in women. Women could resort to certain home remedies such as applying coconut milk on the scalp, preparing & using home made shampoos by boiling hundred gm each of reetha, amla, shikakai in two litres of water till it reduces to half, for a month etc to prevent hair loss. Since hair is made up of a protein called keratin, consuming food rich in protein might help. Hair loss in women could be cured by rubbing minoxidil to their scalp twice daily to enhance hair growth & prevent hair loss.

With the dramatic improvement in technologies like hair implantation, laser therapy etc hair loss would no longer be a cause of nightmare for women. You could now look forward to these techniques which not just assure cent percent results but could also be availed at affordable prices.

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Vitamins Tips For Hair Loss

Heavy intake of vitamin supplements, in some cases, have resulted in stimulating hair growth. Men deficient in vitamin B6 often lose their hair. When they are deficient in folic acid, some men became completely bald! As in case of animals, when normal intake of theses vitamins were restored, the hair also returned in most instances.

Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it's essential to overall good health. Although your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, there are several that are specific to hair growth and health.
When starting a new vitamin regime, it usually takes from 2 to 3 months to see results in your hair's condition. That means that patience and consistency is very important. It's also important to check with your doctor before starting a vitamin program, especially if you have health concerns.
“Biotin, for example, appears to enhance hair growth, thicken fibers and diminish shedding. But all of these nutrients sort of do the same thing,” says Dr. Bergfeld. “What we’re talking about is fitting multiple pieces together. There are just so many factors that it’s hard to isolate which one is the most important.”
If you look at taking vitamins for hair loss, you will notice that these are vitamins essential for good health as long as you take them in moderation. Vitamin A is one of the vitamins to increase hair growth, but if you abuse it, it can also result in hairloss. Before taking any vitamins for hair loss or to increase hair growth, you should contact your doctor to find the underlying cause for the hair loss. A blood test will determine if you have a deficiency in any of the necessary vitamins.

As you can see, there are a number of vitamins for hair loss prevention that you can take either as supplements or by eating a healthy diet. If you have any questions as to whether or not you are getting enough of these vitamins for hair loss prevention in your diet consult a physician. As with any supplements, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should practice extreme caution before taking any vitamins for hair loss.

Procerin is a vitamin for hair loss and serum for thinning hair that is specially formulated to block production of DHT, the primary cause of hair loss in men. Procerin's primary ingredient, saw palmetto, is proven to block DHT and combat the effects of hair loss and thinning hair.

The Hair Genesis vitamins for hair loss are a critical component of the Hair Genesis system. Hair Genesis Soft gels are designed to be taken orally and work in conjunction with the Hair Genesis Product Line. Building on the success of the foundational formula - and after years of follow up research - the Hair Genesis hair vitamins have recently been dramatically improved and now provide a suite of newly recognized botanical substances that work together to strengthen and protect your hair better than ever before.

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Hair Washing Tips

Everyone needs to wash their hair. Washing our hair is a very simple job; it is because we have to wash our hair at least twice or thrice a week. Hair washing is the cosmetic act of keeping hair clean by washing it with shampoo or other detergent products and water. There are many ways to use washing your hair properly. When washing your hair, it is best if you get in the shower. You may give yourself a back-ache and won’t be able to rinse properly if you wash your hair in the sink. Start by rinsing your hair to remove any leave-in conditioner or styling aids. Use a quarter sized dollop of shampoo and rub your hands together to distribute it.

Put the shampoo on your scalp, not the ends of your hair. There are different types of shampoos available for these and many other special conditions, from designer products to generic cleansers. From basic shampoos to moisturizing, revitalizing blends specially formulated for a particular hair color or condition, you can clean your hair best when using the proper shampoo. But use shampoo according to your hair length. Excessive shampoo may harm your hair.The amount of shampoo you should use when washing hair depends on the length of the hair and quality of shampoo.

Very short hair will only require a little amount perhaps a puddle in your palm the size of a quarter while long hair may want twice that amount, or more. Apply shampoo to the crown of your head (directly or from your hand), massaging gently to form a lather. Massage on your scalp to kill the dead skin cells. Dead skin cells frequent cause to dandruff. Apply conditioner. Conditioners penetrate better on towel dried hair so remove excess water first. Be gentle. To protect your hair, smooth your hands down your head from the top of your head down to remove excess water. Do not apply it on your roots, but apply on the ends.

The ends are broken most and need extra care. Leave the conditioner for at few a minute. Rinse your hair if necessary. Check the conditioner you pick on. If the conditioner is a leave in one do not rinse, otherwise use less water to rinse your hair. Blot your hair with a towel to remove water. Do not rub the towel, as it may hold fibers damaging your hair. Avoid using a blow dryer. If you have to use a hairdyer, be careful not to dry hair completely. Instead stop just before your hair is completely dry and allow your hair to dry naturally.

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Female Pubic Hair Removal Tips

Female pubic hair removal has been a mainstream practise since the 1980s. Formerly the domain of prostitutes, porn actresses, exotic and pole dancers, people from all walks of life now shave their private parts for a myriad of reasons. Few do it for their sexual partners, some viewed it from health angles, while others simply want to feel "clean and sexy."

The three most common ways of female pubic hair removal are:

(a) Shaving - Before starting, that note that it is advisable to always use a fresh razor for each and every session. Using a blunt razor may cause injury. Thus, disposable razors, especially gender specific ones, are a good choice. Before shaving the genital area, use either scissors, electric razors or whatever is convenient, to shorten the long pubic hair. Once the "bushes" has been cleared, soak the cleared areas for about 15 minutes in warm water, such as by sitting on a bath tub. An alternative is to use a warm damp cloth, to soften the remaining pubic hairs. Once the 15 minutes is over, apply gel or shaving foam on the genital area. Don't put so much of it to the extent that you cannot see what you are doing. Now, you are ready to shave your pubic hair. Remember to shave in the direction to which the hair grows. If you shave it in the opposite direction, you are likely to suffer from ingrown hairs. Try not to shave the same area repeatedly as you risk scalping the skin or get razor burns. When shaving, do it slowly and gently, and never rush. Put just enough pressure on the razor blades so that you can attain a clean shave with every stroke you make. A good practise is to keep the skin taut. After shaving, rinse the genital area first and then use a mild gentle soap to clean the whole area. Be cautioned that some soaps, because of the ingredients it contained, can cause irritation. Hence, use those which works for you. Pat dry the shaved area, and apply moisturizer.

(b) Waxing - Two main reasons why some individuals prefer waxing to shaving are that waxed hair takes longer to grow back, and it's texture is also finer. Arguably the best known method of female pubic hair removal via waxing is Brazilian wax. It was introduced in New York in 1987 by several Brazil-born sisters. A word of caution about waxing: For novice, it is best to get it done by a professional for at least several sessions before attempting it at home. Only when one is sure how it is done can one attempt to do it at home by purchasing the appropriate waxing kits from supermarkets, chemist shops etc. Waxing basically involves applying hot wax on strips of cotton cloth, then putting the cloth on the area to be waxed. When it is sufficiently dry, the cloth is pulled off quickly - which literally plucks the pubic hairs from its roots. Moisturize the waxed area to prevent irritation. An important thing to remember is that instructions which come with the product should be followed properly. Also note that individuals with sensitive skin and low pain tolerance may have problems with waxing.

(c) Laser - Female pubic hair removal using lasers is fast growing in acceptance because the result is more or less permanent. This modern technology makes use of light beams to hit the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for only a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporise the pigment, thus destroying or significantly impairing the hair's ability to regrow. Some people squirmmed when laser hair removal is mentioned simply because of the cost involved. Each session may cost up to several hundred bucks, and several sessions are required to achieve the desired results because of the way which hair grows.

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Grey Hair Care Information

Hair are an integral part of the vanity in men and women. Almost all people at one stage of life suffer from some hair problems like graying of hair, hair-fall, dandruff and baldness. Grey hair in old days was the sign of reaching mid life or starting with old age. Hair greying can be termed as one of the first visible signs of aging. Gray hair is caused when the follicle is unable to add color to the hair or when there is lack of melanin in the body. The hair follicle loses all pigment over time and eventually goes white. The white hairs against your darker hair give the effect of grey hair.

There are various causes of grey hair. One leading cause is stress and tension. Lot of stress and tension result to early graying of hair. Malnutrition, worry, shock, deep sorrow, tension and other aliky conditions may also slow down the production of melanin resulting in grey hair. Washing hair in hot water, drying hair using an electric dryer and an unclean scalp can also cause premature greying. Another reason could be age. Smoking is generally said to be injurious to health so it has to be injurious to your hair too. Certain Illness can also lead to graying or premature ageing of hair.

Some drugs can also lead to change of color of hair early. Genetics play an important role in hair greying. If your parents or your grandparents were victims of premature hair greying there are ample chances for your hair to go grey prematurely. There are many grey hair treatment available. Dyeing is one of the most common ways of treating grey hair. Other cosmetics available in the market may just help you keep your hair in a good condition and healthy but they would not help in delaying the process of getting gray hair. Natural remedies are a better option as discussed in the next section.

Amla is the best prevent for grey hair and hair loss. Daily massage of amla paste rubbed into the scalp has worked marvels in many cases. Folic acid and vitamin B6 play an important role in curing graying of hair. Nourishment and correct grooming is very important to keep the hair texture, growth, shin and luster in a good condition. Massage your hairs with coconut oil and Lemon everyday for at least 15 minutes. Avoid using harsh shampoos with chemicals instead go the natural way. Soak some reetha pods over night and use these to wash hair next day morning.

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Pencil Portrait Drawing Tips On Hair

Drawing hair is not all that difficult but it does take quite a bit of time to make the result to look real and natural. In fact, it usually takes two to three times longer to do the hair than it does to do the rest of the portrait. So, do not get frustrated and know that you will have to spend the time.

Here are some pointers to help you succeed at drawing the best hair possible:

* Line Drawing - As always, the first step is to produce a line drawing that shows the overall shape of the hair and maps out some of the main value areas. At this stage, you should look at the hair as a shape and ignore all details such as strands. Do observe however how the hair flows, i.e., take note of the growth directions of the hair.

* Values - Next, using the map you created on your line drawing, start laying in the major values, i.e., the major darks and lights. Make sure you always follow the growth direction of the hair. This is very important. Follow the flow.

* Blending - At this stage, you can blend the darks out towards the lights. Then, reapply the darks and pull them into the light areas using a tortillon or a pencil (if there is not enough graphite on the paper). Work from the dark areas into the light areas. After that, use a pointed kneaded eraser as a drawing tool to pull the lights into the darks.

This process should be repeated several times until you reach the desired look of fullness.

* Curls - If your subject has curls, you should treat each curl as a separate object with its own darks, lights, and highlights. At the same time, make sure that each curl fits into the overall layout of the hair. This means, for example, that a particular curl should flawlessly connect to its neighbors.

* Shadows - Often the hair cast a few shadows onto the forehead. These cast shadows should always be rendered in the correct value. You will be surprised how much they contribute to the realistic appearance of the hair and the subject in general. They very much help to show the fullness and three-dimensionality of the hair.

* Forehead - The forehead, like anything else, has a certain value. When the hair falls over the forehead, it is important to apply the same forehead value to the areas of the forehead that are visibly located under the hair. If you leave these areas white, you will loose a lot of realism.

* Gray Hair - The illusion of gray or white hair is created through using pencil strokes sparingly and through more blending with a tortillon or a paper tissue. A soft and silky look can be created by using the kneaded eraser to lift out the appropriate.

Much more can be said about the drawing of hair. This includes such subjects as hairstyles, men’s versus women’s hair, thin hair, hair color, etc. However, the above remarks will suffice to set you on the right path. Later, you can always consult an advanced work on hair drawing.

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Solia Pink Hair Straightener

If you are looking for a Solia pink hair straightener, then you can find these flat hair irons online today in several places. One place that has a detailed description of the product is at Folica, online, where you can buy the Solia pink hair straightener for around $85 with free shipping. The pink color of the Solia pink hair straightener has a special signficance, in that the pink color represents the color of the pink ribbon that symbolizes the fight against breast cancer. When purchased, Solia will donate $8.50 per hair straightener that is sold to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation through February 28, 2007.

If you've ever used a Solia hair straightener before, then you know that they are super products, and this special Solia pink hair straightener will do so much more than make you more glamorous on the outside; it will also show the beauty of what is inside, when you make it a special point to order the product for the purpose of aiding those who are afflicted with breast cancer, in helping to effect a cure.

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How to Keep Dreadlocks Clean

If you need to find out how to keep dreadlocks clean, you can use the handy advice book that has plenty of tips on keeping your dreadlocks clean and your scalp healthy at Ehow online, First of all, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind when trying to wash your dreadlocks, which can be done, but you will need to wait at least two weeks before shampooing a set of new dreadlocks. Below are some handy tips from Ehow:

  1. Use a low lather shampoo, and make sure the water is either tepid or cool so as not to melt any wax that you may have in your locks.
  2. Use products that tend to your scalp. Dreadlocks make you prone to dandruff.
  3. Don't use conditioner. It will loosen your locks.
  4. If you want to use a nylon, slip it over your head before you wash your hair, because this will keep the locks in place, so as not to loosen them during washing.
  5. Shake your head after washing. Don't use a towel to blot after squeezing the excess water out of your dreadlocks, because towels may leave fuzz in your hair. Use a bedsheet to blot the locks.
  6. Let your hair dry completely; then begin wax and twist process again.

For more information on caring for your dreadlocks and tips on how to keep dreadlocks clean, visit the site at Ehow.

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How Do I Choose Which Loreal Preference Hair Color to Use?

If you've been wondering "how do I choose which Loreal Preference hair color to use", you can find plenty of tips on how to choose the right color; however, it may be easier said than done. First of all, there are suggestions that you need to pick a shade of hair color that is at least within three shades of your natural hair color. Therefore, if your natural hair color is now gray or silver, you will need to pick a shade within three shades difference of that color. Most people who use hair color, however, are used to bringing out the vibrancy of rich and darker colors on their hair, that is, if they are not into blonde or blondish shades. There is a website available that can advise you on what shade of Loreal preference hair color to use, and it is located at Celebrity Beauty Secret Goldmine. The website is located online at

This informative website gives tips from the celebrities who use Loreal hair color themselves, and you can learn many secrets by visiting the site and deciding to make a proper choice for your own hair color. Today, pretty much anything goes with hair color, but you need to find something that you're comfortable with. Today's colors are very bright, indeed, and to match a hair color is oftentimes a bit difficult for those women who are not in the entertainment business and cannot hire people to advise them on a professional hair color to use.

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Best Male Hair Loss Treatment 101

Guys, do you wonder why your hair keeps on falling out of your head? More importantly, do you wonder if there is a way to solve hair loss?

Hair loss is one common problem of men nowadays. According to studies, hair fall's primary cause is genetics. If you have a history of hair loss in your family, expect than one day, you may also suffer from it. It may be inherited from the mother or father's side. From the moment our body's testosterone produces DHT, hair loss will happen because DHT attacks hair follicles and outcomes to miniaturization of hair follicles. Aside from your genes, hair loss may be the effect of some diseases such as Anemia, Lupus, and thyroid disorders. Another common reason for hair loss is alopecia areata, which is a condition where the body treats the hair as a foreign object and causes the hair to fall out of the scalp.

Misconceptions about hair are ubiquitously heard. Some say that hair thickeners may be the answer to hair loss. Remember that hair thickeners only add moisture to the hair shaft and seal it in moisture so that is may create an appearance of thicker and fuller hair. The action of applying hair thickeners may be beneficial for the short run, but would you wish to have a thick hair knowing that it will also fall out of your head soon?

After reading the paragraph above you may have some questions in mind. Some of the common questions about hair loss are the following:

Will taking up of testosterone speed up hair problems such as hair loss? Hair loss is not so much of a problem that deals with the amount of testosterone a man has in his body or the amount of testosterone he takes on a regular basis. Hair loss is about the testosterones being converted to DHT. The DHT is the main problem, not the testosterone intakes. There are some cases that if a man used to take steroids, increase in the rate of hair loss is visible. One reason why this befell is that taking up steroid may advance the hair loss that is waiting to take place.

I am already suffering from hair loss, is there a way to end it? Science has the answer to almost all our problems. The so-called Rogaine and Propecia are the two medications for men's hair fall, which are approved by FDA. Rogaine is a topical product. It is so easy to use. Just apply a small amount of Rogaine on the affected area of the scalp two times a day and see the improvement of your hair. On the other hand, Propecia (also known as finasteride) is an oral pill, which is to consume once a day.

Prevention is better than cure. Bear in mind that hair loss is progressive. Once you have it, it won't stop until you do some actions to end it. So if you are suffering from hair loss, better treat it sooner than later.

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Women; Stop Losing Your Hair!

When you wash your hair and it starts falling out in clumps, then no doubt you will panic because hair loss is the last thing your want happening to you! Sometimes you will wake up in the morning and find more loose hairs than normal on your pillow which may also alarm you. The reasons for your hair loss as a woman are pretty varied, but there is a real solution when you know where to find it. Considering that hair loss is more horrifying in women than in men; they feel more targeted by society and extremely more conscious as a result of it. Hair care all over the world for women, more so than men, is a gigantic industry, and society puts pressure on women to always look beautiful which means a healthy head of hair. It is women that have coined the saying: ‘Bad hair day!’

Natural Hair Loss in Women

Some women that experience hair loss during, or immediately following pregnancy or after surgery should not panic because this hair loss is natural, though obviously not desirable. Birth control pills, menopause, and age, as well as constant harsh hair care and chemical dyes, can all result in hair loss. When you change these lifestyle factors, your body will come back to its natural balance in a short period of time, and your hair should regenerate naturally. Hair loss can also result from poor diet and fast foods, as well as stressful lifestyle factors that can be easily addressed. Whatever hair loss you are experiencing besides this however, should be properly investigated by a doctor to your mind at ease.

Unnatural Hair Loss

In many cases hair loss can be an early sign of some diseases, like diabetes or other serious illnesses, and these need to be ruled out by a doctor. When you have an itchy and scaly scalp, it is also possible that a bacterial or fungal infection is at work and hair loss will be a factor here. There are superb treatments for hair loss in women with Provillus being one of the most effective currently on the market. Using Provillus and changing certain factors to stop hair loss where you are able, is the best sensible advice. Here are a few pertinent suggestions to stop hair loss in women:

1. Discontinue the use of harsh shampoos that use chemicals such as surfactants for producing lathering because these are very tough on hair and can cause hair loss.

2. Reduce heavy hair drying and styling. Let your hair dry naturally often or change your hair style that does away for the need of curling and harsh blow waving

3. Stop dyeing your hair and treating it so much with hair care products. Too much of this will damage your hair, and, as it is brushed or combed, greater hair loss will be the undesirable result.

4. Eat properly; it is important to follow a well-balanced diet with plenty of liquids and water. Eating foods that have high protein content and natural oils, like from avocados and olives help your hair get the nutrients it needs.’

5. Get regular exercise as much as possible because this will help to increase the blood supply to your scalp. The result is that it will help keep hair follicles healthy and regenerating.

6. Try to reduce your reactions to stress, depressive moods and anxiety. Always set aside some time to relax and get peaceful. Regular vacations away from it all and from city life pollutions and chemicals in the air are vital to good health, and of course for healthy hair.

Provillus for Women
Provillus for women is available to help combat hair loss and with regular use your hair will regenerate into luscious tresses. Female pattern baldness responds best to Provillus for ageing women, and sufferers of menopause that are losing hair faster than they would like. Women whose moods and overall happiness are affected by hair loss should do something about it as soon as it becomes evident. In order to feel confident and attractive with a healthy had of hair means starting a course of Provillus as soon as possible because this is a sensible first plan of action. Isolate the cause of your hair loss, and if you are experiencing unnatural hair loss then do something about it right away.

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How To Avoid The Split In Hair Straightening

If you want straighten your hair, please avoid using heat as possible as you can. Using some drugstore straightening products then that would definitely be kinder to your hair than a chemical relaxer or a heat tool. Harsh chemicals and heat are the hair's worst enemies.

Split ends cannot be fixed or glued back together. Splits must MUST be snipped off with professional hair scissors or very sharp sewing scissors. The key is SHARP. Get a pair and designate it only for hair (no opening bottles, no cutting construction paper, nada.)

Split ends are where hair unravels at the end and frays like a rope. Hair is made of these fibers that are "wrapped" together by the cuticle (like tree bark). Once this cuticle or "tree bark" is worn down, the inside frays like mad. The farther up it frays, the more hair breaks off. and the more hair will be lost. These splits MUST be cut off, otherwise the hairs will unravel even more and/or break off more. The longer a person waits, the more hair they'll have to cut off.

Too many split ends will make hair look worn out and frizzy, compared to a person with few or no splits.

The best thing to do is prevent splits before they happen:

(1) Avoid using hot water on the hair. Hairwash with warm or cool water and rinse cold if possible.

(2) Condition very very well.. and don't forget a deep conditioning every now and then.

(3) Search and destroy all the splits you can find, in order to prevent more unraveling.

(4) Use gentle hair toys and hair grooming tools. This includes throwing out anything that eats your hair when you take it out. Spring clips, barettes, and the like. Plastic molded combs have a seam that claws at hairs like tiny razorblades (observe in between the teeth).

(5) Most of all, minimize use of heat tools and harsh chemical treatments. This includes blow drying (blow frying), irons, relaxers/perms, dyes, etc...

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What Should You Believe When It Comes To Hair Care?

There are a lot of rumours when it comes to caring for your hair, and some of these myths are very old.

One of the most common myths that exist is that dry hair is caused by washing the hair too often. This is not true at all and you are more than likely to cause damage your hair if you leave the time between washes to be a long duration, for instance several days. There are some things that can cause the hair to be damaged such as excess use of styling products and using hair dye also.

Another myth is that if the hair is very frizzy then you should only shampoo the hair only twice a month. This is also not true because if you do this then any oils will just accumulate on the hair and scalp making the hair look very untidy and messy. You need to make sure that you are washing the hair regularly in order to keep it clean and to look healthy.

There is another myth that involves the use of conditioners and this is that if a rinse out conditioner is used it will have very little benefit. Again this is not true at all, as a good conditioner will leave the hair feeling moisturised giving it a soft and shiny healthy appearance.

If you are noticing that you hair is getting thinner then should you avoid brushing your hair? There is a rumour that says you should avoid brushing your hair if it is thinning, but you need to brush your hair to remove any knots, but you do need to make sure that you have a good hair brush and that you are not brushing your hair constantly.

What about if you have gray hair? Does it mean that you will never get rid of it and the only way to cover it is with a permanent hair dye? Well you ideally want to avoid the use of any hair dyes as they contain a lot of chemicals. But you can cover the amount of gray with a semi-permanent blend that is not as harsh as most of the products that are available.

You need to also be wary of the advertising that some companies use especially when they say that there products are free of chemicals and that they use only natural ingredients. You need to be aware of the ingredients that are often used such as SLS which is no more than a foaming agent and not an indicator of how well the shampoo will clean your hair.

If you are suffering from thinning hair it is not due to the fact that you are stressed. Suffering from stress is not a reason that you have thinning hair, there are other factors that are involved such as lack of certain nutritional foods in your diet.

Speaking of thinning hair do not believe that if you stand on your head that matter will improve because they will not. It may improve your balancing skills, but other than that it will not help you at all.

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Basic Solutions For Hair Loss

Men and women may experience hair loss at any age. Once there is indication of balding, it would be a good reason to be alarm. Hair loss in men is common and ordinary especially if they reach 40. For women, it is not as common but not rare either. Nevertheless, when this problem occurs, sufferers can not help but find the right solution so that it will not go all the way to total baldness. There are many ways to treat hair loss problems. The most common solutions are:

* Proper diet and lifestyle. Hair loss could be a result of poor lifestyle, lack of nutrients in the body, disorders and disease. When this is found out to be the underlying cause of hair loss, physicians usually recommend supplement to complete the lacking nutrients. Healthy diet is also necessary. Likewise, change from poor lifestyle to healthy ones is also advised.

* Right use of hair products. If hair loss is occurring, hair experts may recommend certain types of shampoo or hair products. The aim is to create a stronger healthier hair. You may need to know what shampoo is right for your hair type and one that will not further damage your hair.

* Prescription medicines. Hair loss may be solved with medication. So far the FDA approved medications for hair loss are Minoxidil and Finasteride. These two drugs promises hair re-growth by stopping the hormones that causes hair loss. Usually, these are appropriate for male only.

* Surgical hair replacement. When there are already balding areas on the head, doctors may recommend hair replacement surgery. There should still be hair left as the donor site to be transplanted to the bald area. With hair replacement surgery, you will get a head full of hair permanently.

The doctors or hair experts may recommend one or a combination of the solutions available. Some hair loss case may work well with a particular solution while others may not. It is best that you have hair experts by your side to help you go through the process of gaining back your hair.

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Accessories For Bridal Hair

Every bride wants to be as beautiful as possible on her wedding day, and bridal hair accessories are often an important element in achieving the image you hope for on your wedding day. Fortunately for all brides to be, there are many different bridal hair accessories available to fit just about anyone’s taste or wedding theme.

Here are some ideas for bridal hair accessories to help you decide what best fits your needs.

- Flowers – Using flowers for bridal hair accessories has been done for several generations. Flowers tend to add to the image of romance, which is one of the things you would like your bridal hair accessories to do. You can choose fresh or silk flowers, and use them exclusively as your hair accessory, or add them as an extra touch if you will be wearing another hair accessory.

- Glittering Tiaras – Though these come in many different styles to fit just about everyone’s wedding theme, tiara bridal hair accessories are great for a royal or princess themed wedding. These are very popular bridal hair accessories as there is virtually no better way to add that air of royal splendor to the bride, than with a tiara.

- Headbands – These have become very popular for bridal hair accessories; they can be worn alone, or to compliment the veil. For those brides to be who would like a more traditional look, the wide headband works great, for a chick and modern look, you can choose a thinner headband.

- Bridal Barrettes: These are common bridal hair accessories, and are often used to hold hair in place, as well as dress up the hair. You can get barrettes in a variety of styles, from simple to elaborate. Using barrettes is a great way to get your hair to stay in place, plus ad some sparkle to it.
Bridal hair accessories can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like. Some brides prefer a simple veil, while others like to add some sparkle to their veils by using those that have pearls or other gemstones to compliment it.

Another trend in bridal hair accessories is to place jewels and other items throughout the hair. For example if you are planning on having a beach wedding, placing seashells through the hair is an option, for more sparkle, some brides are placing crystals in strategic points through the hair.

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Laser For Hair Loss

There are many hair loss treatments in the market, ranging from the use of hair shampoos, hair conditioners, hair implants and many more. However, scientists are working hard to find a better way to cure hair loss problems, and they have found it. The latest breakthrough in hair loss treatment is laser for hair loss.

Laser for hair loss is the most recent non-surgical treatment available to treat hair loss. This technology is based on the observation of the sunlight’s effects on hair. Surprisingly, there are many products on the market that claim to be laser for hair loss treatments, as they are combined with laser technology. The effectiveness of the products is unknown, as there are not many products that are FDA approved. So, when it comes to choosing the right laser for hair loss, choose carefully before you engage in any treatment.

How does laser for hair loss work in treating hair loss problems? According to research in the laboratory, laser for hair loss is able to promote the production of continuous energy known as ATP in the body. The energy is in the form of non-thermal photons of light. So, by using the right tool, our body is able to absorb the external energy and transform it into chemical energy. The energy is used to speed up the healing of any ailments.

Laser for hair loss can be implemented in combs for better results. When the laser for hair loss is combined with a comb, the comb can be used anytime and anywhere. When you comb your hair, the laser provides the energy in the correct wavelength and power to nourish the scalp and improve blood circulation. The hair will be able to absorb more oxygen and nutrients. Laser for hair loss is proven to be able to cure hair loss problems effectively, but it depends on the manufacturer of the products, as not all are trustworthy.

After using the laser for hair loss combs, you can expect to see a difference after a few months. You will feel that your hair is stronger than before. This can be seen when you comb your hair and there are fewer hair strands among the teeth of the comb. There will be less dandruff and/or scalp irritations, as your scalp is getting healthier. However, it can take longer for better results to be seen by the user.

Apart from implementing laser for hair loss in combs, the treatment is available at clinics or hospitals where professionals will assist the process by using certain machines to penetrate the body with the laser’s energy. Laser for hair loss seems to be the most effective and painless procedure to cure hair loss problems, but it is recommended to consult a physician before you undergo laser for hair loss.

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Beautiful Hair Starts Here

Everyone wants the look of thick, shiny, beautiful hair, and this includes both men and women. We admire the celebrities who have this and dismiss those who don't, or worry about our own dull and frizzy mane. While it's true that genetics play a very large role in the head of hair we're blessed or cursed with, we can also do much to take care of our own and improve the look and texture. And this means without expense salon treatments! Most ingredients you need to take care of yourself can be found in your kitchen cupboards or pantry.

To understand how to get healthy looking hair you need to have a basic understanding of its structure and what makes it healthy or not. It's important to realize that your hair is nourished at the scalp and the scalp alone. The shaft or strand gets vitamins and oils from the scalp and then needs to push it along to the tip. This is why people are more likely to get split ends and those ends typically look less healthy; they are far from the source of nourishment and so are more vulnerable to being dry and therefore splitting. Also, when we use styling tools on our hair it's usually at the end, to curl them up or under or push them back. This combination of a lack of nourishment and added stress is a recipe for disaster!

Realizing that the hair shaft or strand gets no nourishment when it's away from the scalp is why things such as hot oil treatments and conditioners are necessary. You're adding moisture to this area that isn't getting much. This moisture is one big reason why some hair is shiny versus some that is dull-looking. Of course you need to rinse any oils or conditioners out thoroughly so that it doesn't build up; think of adding lotion to your hands. You want it to be absorbed, not caked on. The same for hot oil treatments or conditioners - let it soak and get absorbed, but rinse the residue away thoroughly.

Vitamins are also important, as they help to add shine and body to your hair as well. Eggs and beer are great sources for the natural nourishment your scalp needs. Eggs are rich in Vitamin A and beer has natural grains that are also helpful. Lemon juice is a natural highlighter for your hair, as it gently bleaches some of the pigment in areas without damaging it the way peroxide does. Adding a little bit of lemon juice to your shampoo can give you the look of costly highlights for so much less money! Vinegar is also a very healthy shampoo that cleanses your scalp and removes the residue of styling products that dull your hair. Mix a fourth of a cup of vinegar or apple cider vinegar to a gallon of water and rinse your hair with this before your regular shampoo.

The real key to healthy hair is to take care of it consistently. Trying a treatment once per month won't be enough; develop a good routine every day and you're sure to have a beautiful mane that everyone will love!

Be advised that if you decided to take Vitamins A internally that vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

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