Guys, do you wonder why your hair keeps on falling out of your head? More importantly, do you wonder if there is a way to solve hair loss?
Hair loss is one common problem of men nowadays. According to studies, hair fall's primary cause is genetics. If you have a history of hair loss in your family, expect than one day, you may also suffer from it. It may be inherited from the mother or father's side. From the moment our body's testosterone produces DHT, hair loss will happen because DHT attacks hair follicles and outcomes to miniaturization of hair follicles. Aside from your genes, hair loss may be the effect of some diseases such as Anemia, Lupus, and thyroid disorders. Another common reason for hair loss is alopecia areata, which is a condition where the body treats the hair as a foreign object and causes the hair to fall out of the scalp.
Misconceptions about hair are ubiquitously heard. Some say that hair thickeners may be the answer to hair loss. Remember that hair thickeners only add moisture to the hair shaft and seal it in moisture so that is may create an appearance of thicker and fuller hair. The action of applying hair thickeners may be beneficial for the short run, but would you wish to have a thick hair knowing that it will also fall out of your head soon?
After reading the paragraph above you may have some questions in mind. Some of the common questions about hair loss are the following:
Will taking up of testosterone speed up hair problems such as hair loss? Hair loss is not so much of a problem that deals with the amount of testosterone a man has in his body or the amount of testosterone he takes on a regular basis. Hair loss is about the testosterones being converted to DHT. The DHT is the main problem, not the testosterone intakes. There are some cases that if a man used to take steroids, increase in the rate of hair loss is visible. One reason why this befell is that taking up steroid may advance the hair loss that is waiting to take place.
I am already suffering from hair loss, is there a way to end it? Science has the answer to almost all our problems. The so-called Rogaine and Propecia are the two medications for men's hair fall, which are approved by FDA. Rogaine is a topical product. It is so easy to use. Just apply a small amount of Rogaine on the affected area of the scalp two times a day and see the improvement of your hair. On the other hand, Propecia (also known as finasteride) is an oral pill, which is to consume once a day.
Prevention is better than cure. Bear in mind that hair loss is progressive. Once you have it, it won't stop until you do some actions to end it. So if you are suffering from hair loss, better treat it sooner than later.
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