Do you as a fashion trend setter know, that the clothes/Jewelry you wear tells a story about you as an individual? It is fact; the way you dress and present yourself in public dominantly speaks volumes about your whole domain. It is the onlooker on the street that holds the ending chapter when weighing up what type of person they think you are from the clothes you wear. More often than not people tend to conjure up a personal opinion based on the whole entity of your image. Regardless of what fashion designer gear is displayed in the fashion boutique window, remember, the dummy is not out to make an impression. To dress to impress is all well and good, however it is who you wish to impress that may cause the denial of a friendship or worse a relationship if dress sense (code) is not suitable.
Latest trendy fashion designs can be dressed up or down for approval in certain situations. Sadly to make an impression you may find you have to make changes e.g. choice of identity (style) just to please folks who label you as being a fashion freak.
A first impression is where you make an impact on others, this is crucial if you seek acceptance into a particular circle of friends. Unfortunately fashion trend setters are judged by the clothes they wear.
Judgemental opinions should be kept under wraps because, it is not what is on the outside that counts, it's the warm inner beauty on the inside that really matters.
However people find this hard to understand or in some cases do not want to understand that fashion trend setters - really are nice people regardless of the stud in the nose or Medusa hairstyle. Some fashion trend setters are seen as outcasts and therefore suffer rejection all because of the clothes that is worn.
A couple of examples below will tell you how the latest fashion or your very own personal wardrobe can let you down.
1 "Vacancy for bank manger"; you dress in creations designed by Vivienne Westwood for your interview, (orange skirt, black fishnet stockings purple shawl and pink bows in your hair), and before your foot is through the door, you are shown it after being told the position has been filled. A judgmental opinion on your appearance has just lost the bank a fashion trend setter with an IQ of a 160.
2 What of the toffee nosed snob in the office spruced up in his pin striped suit, tie and briefcase? Sadly he loses out on love because of status issues, i.e. choosing to ignore the petite flower hippie girl he passes each morning going to the office. His world is only in acceptance of seamed stockings stilettos and hair neatly pinned up. "Wrong move" many an office clerk has ended up with a bird with no brains.
Remember "Never judge the book by the cover" Seeing through an image can result in a perfect relationship/friendship.
For those with status issues who pass judgement and make false assumptions about a person based purely upon the garments they wear,
Then look - listen and learn from the example below.
1 Take the fashion trend setter dressed in combat pants, boots - baseball cap and pierced tongue
2 Take the female office assistant dressed in a tailor made suit, sling back patent shoes and hair neatly clipped in a bun.
3 Take the hippie dressed in ankle length skirt, leather sandals, flowers in her hair and bells round her neck
Now strip the 3 ladies down to the bare essentials (naked) and what do we have. Yes a triple duplication of the female species. The only difference may be that of size and weight in each woman. There is a lesson to be learned from this and that is, you have no story due absent content. Without clothes we have no character to base a story on.
Fashion trend setters who want to make a good impression on their first date, need to keep their clothes on. You do not undress to impress at least until you know your partners name.
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